Monday, July 21, 2014

Long Time Coming by Vanessa Lewis

Long Time Coming by Vanessa Lewis

Deidre Clark-Morris is a faithful Christian who has everything she could dream of, except the children her heart longs for. Kenisha Smalls has lived in poverty all her life. She has three children by three different men and has just been diagnosed with inoperable cancer. While the meeting between these two women appears accidental, it becomes their catalyst of hope. Neither woman expects the blessing that God has in store for her. While Deidre guides Kenisha on the path to eternal life with Jesus Christ, Kenisha teaches Deidre how to stand strong against the storms of life.

This book was another emotional rollercoaster and the pain of two women with two very different lives experiencing two very different things that come together  in a way that is beautiful.  My heart was broken for both the main characters (Deidre and Kenisha) but in two very different ways.  Eventhough Kenisha lived in poverty she took very good care of her children and wanted them to have a better life.  Which is very admirable and is definitely worth mentioning, she knew that life was not to be found with her family and their biological dads were rarely if ever in the picture therefore, they were not dependable.
The end of the book is gripping in its descriptions and quite honestly gave me chills while reading it, the description was so vivid in my minds eye.
This author is definitely worth trying if you are unfamiliar with her work, she has a unique writing style that pulls you into the story and surrounds you with gripping character development almost as if you personally know these characters.  I look forward to reading more of her works.
If you have read this book, what did you think?  If this review peaked your interest and you read this book due to this review please let me know what you think.

Do you have a book that you have been thinking about reading that you would like me to review?  If so you can send me an email at

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Until next time Blessings....L

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